Stop The Killings In Gaza, End The Siege Of Palestine

The Human Rights Forum (HRF) will be organising a dharna on July 22 (Tuesday) to protest against the ongoing inhuman attacks on Gaza by Israel and to call for their immediate end. The attack is almost two weeks old and has already resulted in the death of over 300 Palestinian civilians including many children. Thousands have been injured and many homes destroyed in constant bombing by Israeli rockets. In complete disregard of international humanitarian law, Israel is deliberately targeting civilian areas, even hospitals. The people of Gaza are living through a nightmare.

Tuesday’s dharna will be held from 3 to 4 pm at Chaderghat Chaman. We invite all democratic-minded people who are opposed to this militaristic onslaught on the Palestinian people to gather at Chaderghat Chaman and express their opposition to the attacks and to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. We also demand that the Indian government adopt a proactive approach and condemn Israel’s brutality.

Karthik Navayan
(HRF Twin Cities general secretary)

Syed Bilal
(HRF Twin Cities joint secretary)


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