Tsundur Massacre: Acquittal Of Accused Is Brazen Injustice

The acquittal by a Division Bench of the AP High Court of all accused in the 1991 Tsundur massacre of dalits is brazen injustice. The Human Rights Forum (HRF) is shocked and anguished by the verdict in such a landmark case.

The judgement is reflective of an upper caste anti-Dalit bias. It betrays insensitivity in the judiciary to an inhuman caste atrocity. HRF demands that the State waste no time in moving the Supreme Court so as to get this retrograde judgement overturned and render justice to the families of Dalits killed on August 6, 1991.

VS Krishna 
(HRF State General Secretary) 

S. Jeevan Kumar
(HRF State President)


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