Dt: 20.1.2025.
Sri Rajiv Ranjan Misra, I.A.S. (Retd.,)
One Man Commission in Sub Classification Scheduled Castes in Andhra Pradesh
Respected Sir,
Sub: One man Commission appointed to suggest specific recommendation on Sub Classifications of Scheduled Castes among the various sub groups of Scheduled Caste in the State of A.P. visiting Anantapur District – We the members of Human Rights Forum – Submit our Representation in favour of sub classifications in Scheduled Castes – Submitted – Reg.
We the members Human Rights Forum, would like to submit the following for kind consideration. It is to submit that, fighting for sub classifications of Reservation among Scheduled Castes, Sub Groups for equal distribution. Benefits of Reservation should be reached to all sub castes in respect of Education and Employment in proportionate to their population. though both castes, Mala and Madigas are treated as untouchable in the Society. The Mala and some other sub castes take undue share in Education and Employment since decades. Madiga and some other sub castes have been historically neglected and are not availed Reservation benefits in Education and Employment opportunities in proportion to their population in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
The Human Rights Forum working for the cause of Rights of Scheduled Castes People, marginalized and unprivileged people in the Society since last 30 years. The Human Rights Forum has been supporting to the scheduled caste categorization movement in combined state of Andhra Pradesh. The Categorization in Scheduled Caste is genuine demand on the basis of social justice. There are 59 Sub Castes in the list of Scheduled Caste List declared by the President of India. Many Castes even not entered into Schools and Government Services. In the interest of these neglected sub castes – the categorization may provide opportunity to pursue education and enter into Government Services.
Further, we submit that, historical and empirical evidence demonstrate that, the Scheduled Castes are socially heterogeneous class. Sub Classification within the Scheduled Castes does not violate Article 341 (2) There is no inclusion or exclusion of castes. The sub classification among Scheduled Castes for giving more beneficial treatment is permissible in law.
Therefore, the Hon’ble one man Commission may carefully study the issues of each caste, their problems, social status and economic standards take into consideration and provide fair and equal opportunities according to their population.
This is submitted for favour of kind consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Coordination Member
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh Human Rights Forum
Human Rights Forum